Are There Hidden Costs When It Comes to Hiring a Maid?

A foreign domestic helper cleaning the house

Planning to hire a maid? You probably have worked out the sums and set aside a budget for this household expense, but what happens if there are additional costs? Don’t fret! Here’s all you need to know about the hidden costs involved and how you can better manage when hiring a maid.

Costs of your maid’s entry approval requirements

As the COVID-19 pandemic is on-going, some extra costs to budget include the COVID-19 tests, transport and Stay Home Notice (SHN) accommodation.

Besides that, employers are required to get medical insurance with a coverage of at least S$10,000 for the workers’ COVID-19 related medical expenses should your newly hired maid develop COVID-19 symptoms or test positive within 14 days of arrival in Singapore.

Covid-19 Vaccine

Other hidden costs of hiring a maid

Mobile phone payment

1. Higher services costs

Service costs charged by agencies have increased due to the various administrative arrangements required amidst this pandemic. Also, did you hear about the new ruling by the Indonesian authorities to pass the cost of the placement fee to employers?

2. Settling-in programme for first-time domestic workers

If it is your maid’s first time working in Singapore, it is mandatory to send her for the Settling-In Programme before she can start work.

3. Foreign domestic worker levy

This is a pricing mechanism to regulate the number of foreign workers in Singapore. On top of your maid’s wage, there is also a monthly levy to be paid by employers.

4. Medical expenses due to accidents

Do you recall the unfortunate incident last year when a maid met with an accident while on a cycling trip in Pulau Ubin? Thankfully, she recovered but her hospital bill (including two operations) reached S$52,000, while her insurance coverage was only up for S$20,000.

In case you are wondering, employers are responsible for the overall well-being of their maid, which includes the medical expenses such as trips to the dentist.

#TiqOurWord Did you know ePROTECT maid insurance from Tiq by Etiqa covers additional out-of-pocket expenses such as alternative maid services and repatriation expenses in the event your maid is no longer able to work after an accident? Learn more here

How can ePROTECT maid insurance help to defray these ‘hidden costs?’

ePROTECT maid insurance can help

Given the fact that it is mandatory by law for employers to insure their foreign domestic worker upon arrival, it would be useful for employers to know that a maid insurance like ePROTECT maid will come in handy if:

1. your maid gets injured, ePROTECT maid provides a cover for accidental death and permanent disablement of up to S$70,000. The coverage also includes recuperation benefits for each day spent in the hospital, of up to S$20 per day, up to a maximum of 30 days.

2. you temporarily require alternative maid services in the event your maid is hospitalised. ePROTECT maid can partially offset the costs of hiring a temporary helper, of up to S$20 per day, up to a maximum of 30 days.

3. your home is damaged by fire or burgled by your maid, ePROTECT maid offers the Home Cover add-on that provide up to S$20,000 worth of damages. Note that there’s a cap at 10% of your sum insured.

4. your maid voids the terms of the employment contract and you need to terminate her services, you’d be covered for up to S$350 for the termination and re-hiring expenses.

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, ePROTECT maid insurance offered through Tiq by Etiqa also offers a special add-on COVID-19 Cover of up to S$15,000 for your maid’s hospitalisation and surgical expenses due to COVID-19 treatment, if she is diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days upon her arrival to Singapore.

Are you prepared to hire a maid?

In conclusion, our maids work hard to positively impact our daily lives. Over time, they become part of our family and it is only natural that we show our appreciation for them by taking care of their well-being.

If you are planning to hire a maid, check out this easy guide to help you get started, and for the budget conscious, don’t miss this breakdown of costs involved when hiring a maid.


Information is accurate as at 22 March 2021.  This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. (Company Reg. No. 201331905K). Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.


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