We have the answers you need

Pet Insurance

1. What does Pet Insurance Cover?
Pet Insurance provides a comprehensive coverage for your pet(s), which includes Surgical Illness, Non-Surgical Illness Cover, Accidental Injury, Third Party Liability and Funeral Expenses benefits.

Currently, we only provide coverage for cats or dogs.  Cats are not allowed in HDBs as per Animal & Veterinary Service.

2. What is Surgical Illness Cover?
If your pet suffers sickness that requires medical attention, we will cover the costs of medical necessary surgical expenses which includes cost for Diagnostic Tests, Veterinarian Fees, Operating Theatre Fees and more.

3. What is Non-Surgical Illness Cover?
If your pet suffers sickness that requires medical attention, we will cover the costs of medical necessary non-surgical expenses which includes cost for Diagnostic Tests, Veterinarian Fees and/or prescribed drugs, injections, dressing and more.

4. What is Accidental Injury Cover?
If your pet suffers accidental bodily injury that requires medical attention due to motor accident, fracture, choking, snake bite, we will cover the costs of medical necessary veterinarian expenses.

5. What is Funeral Expenses Cover?
If your pet dies, or suffers accidental bodily injury or sickness (recommended by a veterinarian to be euthanized), we will cover the cost of cremation, funeral services and/or handling expenses charged.

6. What is Third Party Liability Cover?
If you become legally responsible to pay compensation in the event of accidental bodily Injury to any person and/or accidental loss or damage to property caused by your pet, we will cover the following:

  • All legal costs and expenses to legally represent You;
  • All legal costs and expenses incurred by You with Our written consent; and/or
  • The amount awarded against You by the court in Singapore.

7. What is the complimentary Congenital and Hereditary cover?
We understand that some pets carry genetic conditions due to their breed. That is why we provide complimentary Congenital and Hereditary coverage for the following conditions, subject to a 12-month waiting period and provided it is not a pre-existing condition according to the Clinical Examination Form submitted on the purchase date of this policy.

  1. Hip and elbow dysplasia;
  2. Luxating patella;
  3. Glaucoma;
  4. Cherry eye;
  5. Inverterbral disc disease (IVDD); and/or
  6. Conditions requiring femoral head and neck excision.

In order to receive this complimentary cover, you are required to prove that your pet is clinically examined by a Singapore Registered Veterinarian within thirty (30) days before the purchase date. You will need to submit our Pet Insurance Clinical Examination form upon purchase in order to qualify for the complimentary coverage. The complimentary coverage is automatically extended upon the completion and submission of your pet’s clinical examination form and is not applicable for add-on after the purchase or during the renewal of the Pet Insurance policy.

Download the Pet Insurance Clinical Examination Form here and bring it along to your vet for the examination.

8. What is Multi-Pet Discount?
Enjoy 5% discount if you insure at least 2 pets and 10% discount if you insure 3 pets.

9. What is No-Claim Discount (NCD)?
No Claim Discount is a benefit that you get to enjoy as a policyholder during your renewal, if your pet has no claims during period of insurance.

Period of InsuranceNCD Applicable
First Renewal Year5%
Second Renewal Year10%
Third and Fourth Renewal Year15%
Fifth Renewal Year and More20%

10. What are the types of expenses which are not covered?

    • Pre-existing conditions
    • The clinical examination for insurance enrolment
    • Spay/neuter procedures
    • Preventative care

For full details of the terms, conditions and exclusions, please refer to the Policy Wording.

11. How does Deductible and Co-Insurance work?
Deductible is the fixed sum of $200 you have to bear for a claim, before taking into account the Co-Insurance.
Co-Insurance refers to the portion of a claim amount you have to bear. The level of Co-Insurance depends on the age at entry of your pet.


  • 20% – For pet enrolled before age 4
  • 30% – For pet enrolled before age 9

Age of entry of pet: 2 years old
Claim amount: $4,000
Deductible: $200
Co-Insurance: 20% (For pet enrolled before 4 years old)
The amount bear by you: ($4,000-$200) x 20%) = $760
Final claim payable: $4,000 – $200 – $760 = $3,040

1. Eligibility of Pet Insurance

  1. Your Pet is licensed and You are the registered owner of Your Pet in Singapore;
  2. Your Pet is residing with You in Singapore;
  3. You must be a Singapore Citizen, or a permanent resident of Singapore, or a foreigner with valid Work Permit or Employment Pass or Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass;
  4. Your Pet is micro-chipped and has completed the required vaccination(s);
  5. Your Pet is at least eight (8) weeks old and below nine (9) years old at the start date of the Period of Insurance;
  6. Your Pet is not a working pet (such as guide dog, hunting dog or attack dog) or racing pet; and
  7. Your Pet is not used for breeding purposes.

2. What are the breeds covered?
Cats (regardless of breed), Great Dane, Bloodhound, St Bernard, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd. Rottweilers, Toy Poodle, Beagle, Siberian Huskies, Bull Dog, Boxer, Corgis, Pug, Bull Terriers, Chow Chows, Beagle, Shih Tzu, Terrier, Pugs, Pinschers, Toy fox terrier, Mongrel, other terrier breeds, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Toy Spaniel, Greyhound, Jack Russel, Japanese Splitz, Maltese, Schnauzer, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Large Poodle, All Spaniel Breeds, Small Spliz

For other breeds that are not listed, it will be subjected to manual underwriting.  You may also contact our Customer Care hotline at +65 6887 8777 or email them at customer.service@etiqa.com.sg for further assistance.

3. Can I insure multiple pets under the same policy?
No, only one insured pet can be under one policy. You will need to take up different policies for different pets.

4. Can I insure for more than three (3) dogs?
Based on NParks regulations, a maximum of three dogs is allowed to be kept in any one private (non-HDB residential or commercial) premises.         

5. Can I insure my cat if I stay in a HDB?
From now till 31 August 2024, you are only able to insure your cat(s) if you stay in a private property.

With effect 1 September 2024, all cat owners must apply for a cat license online via the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS) for all their pet cat(s) before the purchase of our pet insurance policy. Find out more here.

6. Can I insure a dog in a HDB flat which is non-HDB approved?
No. All dogs must be licensed and in accordance to Animal & Veterinary Service guidelines before we can cover them under the policy.

1. Can pet insurance policy be cancelled? If so, will I get a refund?

Yes, you can cancel this plan via Tiq by Etiqa app. The cancellation will take effect from the date we receive your request.

If you cancel this plan within the 14 day free-look period, you may get a full refund of the premium paid if there has been no claim made under this policy.

If you cancel this plan after the free-look period, we will proceed with your refund based on the calculation as follows:

Period of Insurance (in days) still left to run x 80% of the premium paid

Original period of insurance of this policy

There is a minimum retention amount of S$25 + GST, provided no claims have been made.

1. Is it claimable for injury caused by fights between pets or other animals?
Injury caused by fights between pets and other animals is covered, however it will be subject to the following exclusion:

  • If your pet is being used for commercial or occupational purposes including but not limited to racing, breeding, organized fighting, law enforcement, guarding or hunting.
  • If your pet has behavioural problem regardless of the cause (including but not limited to anxiety disorders, phobias or chemical imbalance.

2. Is it claimable if someone abuses my pet (victim of abuse) & causes it to be injured or dead?
No. Intentional abuse will not be covered.

3. Is it claimable if my pet dies of old age?
We provide coverage in the event of sickness and accidents. Death due to old age will be covered.

4. How do I make a claim?

If you have a Tiq Connect account with Etiqa, please log onto TiqConnect to submit your claims online. Otherwise, you may register for an account on our corporate website. Access can be created immediately. You may also contact our Customer Care hotline at +65 6887 8777 or email them at customer.service@etiqa.com.sg for further assistance.

1. Is there a free-look period?
Yes. There is a free-look period of 14 days for Pet Insurance.